Please consider the following to help us provide the best service:
Have pets dropped off in the morning.
We can not offer specific appointment times for the ultrasounds due to many variables including: number of stops and their locations, last minute emergency add-ons, extra procedures & complications, traffic, weather, etc.
Withhold food for 12-18 hrs prior to the ultrasound (when possible)
Sedation is recommended
When in doubt - sedate. Uncomfortable animals image poorly. Please sedate, when necessary for the sake of the animals comfort and image quality.
Shave in advance
This will help determine which animals will need sedation for the ultrasound.
Have pets dropped off in the morning.
We can not offer specific appointment times for the ultrasounds due to many variables including: number of stops and their locations, last minute emergency add-ons, extra procedures & complications, traffic, weather, etc.
Withhold food for 12-18 hrs prior to the ultrasound (when possible)
Sedation is recommended
When in doubt - sedate. Uncomfortable animals image poorly. Please sedate, when necessary for the sake of the animals comfort and image quality.
Shave in advance
This will help determine which animals will need sedation for the ultrasound.